Want to see what’s under the hood?
We’re an open book. If you see something on our website you know that it’s been reviewed under our editorial policy which we take very seriously.

Our editorial process
The Baby Swag strives to provide reliable, relatable, inclusive and accurate content for new and expecting parents. Our writers and editors provide well-researched content that adheres to the highest standards of journalistic integrity.
The Baby Swag’s editorial team maintains complete editorial independence and control over content without influence from advertisers or sponsors.
Where our content comes from
We are completely transparent with how we operate and work with our partners. Rest assured that our site remains independent of any advertisement or promotional influence. We partner with brands and people that have the same core values as us to bring you the best content we can.
Original content
Articles, slideshows, product reviews, interviews, polls and quizzes are all original content, created by the The Baby Swag editorial team.
User contributed content
Some content, in the form of comments on articles, blogs and other elements may be provided by visitors. While this content is moderated, it will contain statements that have not been researched or verified by the editorial team.
Licensed content
In some instances, The Baby Swag may license content to make it available to visitors. This content is reviewed for adherence to The Baby Swag’s editorial standards and guidelines.
3rd party links
Some links on thebabyswag.com leave our site in order to access another site (“Linked Sites”). The Baby Swag provides these links as a convenience to our community. We neither control nor endorse these Linked Sites, nor has The Baby Swag approved the content which appears on the Linked Sites. The Baby Swag is not responsible for the legality, accuracy or inappropriate nature of any content, advertising, products or other materials on or available from any Linked Sites.
Corrections policy
If you have a completed piece that you feel matches the tone and topic range for our site, please read and agree to the licensing terms below and then email your piece to hello@thebabyswag.com
Please send comments and questions about the site or our editorial policy via e-mail to hello@thebabyswag.com